Change of registered office, business name, share capital in s.r.o

Change of registered office, business name, share capital in s.r.o

Changes can and often do occur during business. The changes concern various spheres, but it is necessary to pay extra attention to those which the law designates as mandatory data entered in the commercial register, and thus their change is associated with obligations with a proposal to record changes to the data entered in the commercial register. In practice, there is a change in the personal data of the manager and partner , and this most often concerns - a change of residence or a change of surname as a result of marriage.

Pursuant to the law, the manager is obliged to submit a proposal to enter the data change in the commercial register no later than 30 days from the day the change occurred (e.g. a change of address of the manager/partner, or the last name of the manager/partner). Changing personal data in the commercial register is important not only in the sense of fulfilling obligations under the law, but also has a daily practical impact on the functioning of the company, i.e. it can cause complications in acting on behalf of the company, e.g. in a bank, in offices, or in business dealings, when the manager proves himself with an extract from the commercial register (with non-updated data) and an identity card (where his new address of residence/new surname is already registered).

Changing personal data includes:

  • Development of data reconciliation documentation
  • Submission to the commercial register, including representation based on a power of attorney

Change of address

We will change the registered office of the company for you quickly and you will also save on court fees. Just send us the name of the company, the new address of the headquarters and the social security numbers of the partners and you are good to go. As a bonus (and the only company on the market), we will also notify you of the change of address at the tax office and issue you with a VAT ID and VAT number certificate.

With us, you can arrange everything from the comfort of the office, by email or by phone and mail.

As part of the service, we will provide you with the following services:

  • Elaboration of consent of the owners with the registered office
  • Drafting a proposal for a change to the commercial register
  • Representation before the commercial register