Change of partner s.r.o

Change of partner s.r.o

A partner s.r.o. is a person who has the right to participate in the company's profit and we can also call him the owner of the company . The share capital of the s.r.o. consists of shareholders' deposits and it can be established by 1 to 50 shareholders . Changing a partner is a difficult process in which you have to pay attention to several facts. Whether it is a way of paying a reward for a business share, up to taking over liabilities for the company.

A partner can be a natural or legal person (e.g. another company, whether Slovak or foreign). The minimum deposit of one partner is EUR 750 , while the total of all partners' deposits must be at least EUR 5,000 .

Changing a partner includes the following actions:

  • Drafting of a contract on the transfer of a business share
  • Elaboration of the decision of the sole partner / Decision per rollam, where the transfer of the partner is approved
  • Submission of documents to the relevant court
  • Representation in proceedings based on power of attorney